Bird Watching in Peru

Bird watching in Peru

Peru possesses an extraordinary ornithological diversity. New species are continually being discovered every year in its cloud-forests and Amazon jungles, as well as in its rugged mountains and inter-Andean valleys. At last count, there were 1.710 registered species (close to 20% of the world's total), of which more than 300 are endemic. For birdwatchers, Peru is a true paradise. It is filled with species dwelling in unique and fragile habitats, large migratory birds arriving from the most remote parts of the world and with species that, having disappeared in other countries, flourish in unexplored corners of the country.

These giant flocks are a fundamental element in the life cycles of the sea, jungle and Andean lakes. In the Amazon region experience the parrots and macaws as they arrive each morning for their daily supplementary diet of mud. See a beautiful male Andean Cock-of-the-Rock with the backdrop of the Inca fortress of Machu Picchu and have a close encounter with a huge Andean Condor as it soars above the majestic Colca Canyon. Peru is a birder's paradise.

Seeing condors in the colca canyon is the best place I have ever been to see these birds, they swop up from the cliffs underneath were you stand - amazing