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The Dead Sea

May 9, 2008 Sam | Comment (0)

The Dead Sea is a land locked sea situated at the lowest point on earth. It is the most peculiar feeling ‘sitting’ in this water, totally supported by the high level of salt you can’t help but float. It is completely comfortable to float in this water and read a book!

As you are floating effortlessly in the warm, mineral rich waters, you see people around the shoreline scooping handfuls of mud from the sea bed and smearing it over themselves before wading into the water. It is the most bizarre sight! There are two very lovely, luxury hotels situated on the Dead Sea that both take advantage of the minerals available and offer excellent spa facilities.

However, don’t leave it too long before visiting the Dead Sea – the water level of the Dead Sea is dropping by about a 30cm (1 foot) per year and Scientists predict that the sea may be dried up by the year 2050!

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